신비의 숲 (Mystic Forest)
2017 International Fiber Art Fair
2017.6.13.~6.18 예술의 전당 한가람 미술관 3F
Mystic Forest_heart, 95x115cm, Fabric paint on dyed linen, 2017
Mystic Forest_heart, 95x115cm, Fabric paint on dyed linen, 2017
Mystic Forest_heart detail
Mystic Forest_heart detail
Mystic Forest_heart detail
Mystic Forest_heart detail
Mystic Forest_heart detail
Mystic Forest_heart detail
Mystic Forest_heart detail
Mystic Forest_heart detail
Mystic Forest_string, 95x180cm, Fabric paint on dyed linen, 2017
Mystic Forest_string, 95x180cm, Fabric paint on dyed linen, 2017
Mystic Forest_string detail
Mystic Forest_string detail
Mystic Forest_eyes, 84x96cm, Fabric paint on dyed linen, 2017
Mystic Forest_eyes, 84x96cm, Fabric paint on dyed linen, 2017
Mystic Forest_eyes detail
Mystic Forest_eyes detail
Mystic Forest_eyes detail
Mystic Forest_eyes detail
Mystic Forest_eyes detail
Mystic Forest_eyes detail
Mystic Forest_eyes detail
Mystic Forest_eyes detail
Mystic Forest_eyes detail
Mystic Forest_eyes detail
Mystic Forest_eyes detail
Mystic Forest_eyes detail
String Theory, 90x81cm, 004 String Theory
String Theory, 90x81cm, 004 String Theory
String Theory detail
String Theory detail
String Theory detail
String Theory detail
String Theory detail
String Theory detail
String Theory detail
String Theory detail
String Theory detail
String Theory detail
Zero_nothing (無), 50x72cm, Fabric paint on dyed linen, 2017
Zero_nothing (無), 50x72cm, Fabric paint on dyed linen, 2017
Zero_nothing (無) detail
Zero_nothing (無) detail
※ 모든 미술 작업물에 대한 권한은 김나정 작가에게 있으며, 무단 복제 및 배포는 금지합니다.
※ Author Kim Najung has the authority to all art works, and unauthorized reproduction and distribution are prohibited.